Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Storm

So its beena kind of crazy week for us. we discovered that all our closets have exposed lead paint in them and imediately began "opperation lead freak out." Then we spent the night at Bubba and Pop's because of the paint fumes from painting over the lead paint and got broken into. Luckily we don't own much of value and we hadn't actually unpacked much of anything so most of what was stolen is replacable - in fact it took us a while to notice we had been broken into. Then the ice storm hit. We were very lucky - only without power for just under 24 hours and we had Bubba and Pop's house to run to (litterally) with its gas stove and cozy freplace. Some people were wihtout power for more than a week!

Our yard didn't fair too badly considering the age and size of our trees. Here are some pictures. Luckily all the big limbs missed the house.

Crazy week. then we flew to Maine. Print this post

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